Membership Criteria
- Be a part of a group dedicated to working collaboratively with other Sport Medicine professionals, furthering the education of Sport Acupuncture to fellow colleagues and the public, and bettering the results of athletes and active patients. Members of the BCSAA are highly qualified and skilled Registered Acupuncturists in the field of Sport Medicine and Sport Acupuncture. All members have voting rights at the AGM. Accredited BCSAA members are also listed with SportMedBC.
Accredited Member (full member in good standing):
- Kinesiology degree, or equivalent level of University/College level coursework in Anatomy and Biomechanics
- BCSAA approved Sport Acupuncture coursework (one of) completed:
- Matt Callison - minimum 2 weekend courses
- Whitfiled-Reeves - minimum 2 weekend courses
- BCSAA approved Adjunct Sport Medicine coursework completed (if no Kinesiology degree or equivalent):
- Sport Medicine Conditions and Terminology (BCSAA run course)
- Practical hours of 50 hours in the last 3 years → A letter outlining experience, and resume, i.e. logsheet outlining sport medicine cases treated, teams/athletes worked with, etc., and resume
- Registrant of the CTCMA
- Member of the ATCMA
Associate Member (Membership accreditation in process/student):
- Registrant of the CTCMA
- Member of the ATCMA
- Currently working on completed Accredited Member Criteria 1, 2, 3 & 4
Membership Renewal Criteria (Continuing Education Units)
- 14 hours of Continuing Education Units every 2 years
- E.g. Whitfield-Reeves, Dr. Richard Tan Balance Method, Matt Callison, Cadaver anatomy & acupoints course
- 14 hours of Practical hours every 2 years: with teams/athletes, patients with sport injuries, local talks about acupuncture & sport medicine